The cropping - zootechnical - organic farm Monti Sibillini Camperato

The cropping - zootechnical - organic farm Monti Sibillini Camperato consists of a characteristic rural building which has been recently renovated by maintaining its original architectural features and of a rural minor building. The estate cover about 18 hectares and is divided into woodlands, where truffles and walnuts come from, and the so-called SAU (Agricultural Exploited Area) used to cultivate cereal and fodder plants alternating with sunflowers.
Those who want can participate in the company's activities.
These products are re-used to feed farm-raised animals such as: chickens, pigeons, rabbits and beef cattle, from which come eggs and meats of high quality, the farm is under the control of A.I.A.B. (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture). Other products of the farm are: jam, spelled, beans, chickpeas, potatoes and cold cuts. The company is located between Visso and Norcia, at the gates of the Sibillini National Park.
Those who want can participate in the company's activities.
These products are re-used to feed farm-raised animals such as: chickens, pigeons, rabbits and beef cattle, from which come eggs and meats of high quality, the farm is under the control of A.I.A.B. (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture). Other products of the farm are: jam, spelled, beans, chickpeas, potatoes and cold cuts. The company is located between Visso and Norcia, at the gates of the Sibillini National Park.